
"Healing Hands for Arianne" has been set up by friends and family of Arianne Jones, a young woman who suffered a ruptured aneurysm which resulted in subarachnoid hemorrhage on the evening of May 19, 2013. As we support Ari on her long road of recovery, updates will be posted here to share with those interested in helping. Whether you choose to pray for her, offer monetary support, or simply spread the word... we appreciate that you've stopped by. To donate to her benefit fund, please click the link below her picture on the right.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

I finally heard her voice after 53 days!

When I stayed with Arianne on Tuesday, I could not believe how much progress she had made just in 2 days. She had gotten so much stronger. During our sleepover my goal was to get her trach downsized, so she could communicate and get her a swallow study so she could eat. I must have mentioned these things to everyone that walked in the room that day. The swallow study got done on Tuesday and she passed, so she was finally able to eat REAL food again. Her appetite is getting better everyday and hopefully she can get the feeding tube out before coming home. Then on Thursday she got the trach downsized and moved to the rehab unit. When I called her mom to check on her Thursday, she said someone wanted to talk to me. After 53 days it was so amazing to hear her voice again.  Ironically I had lost mine but I just listened to her talk for about 20 minutes. Tears were streaming down my face .
We stopped by her new digs on Saturday evening and she looked even better, when she saw us, she smiled that beautiful smile and said "Hey"! It was Mick's first time to talk to her since she got her voice back.
She is working really hard on the rehab unit. Ari still has her great sense of humor. Apparently some language centers in the brain have been affected so she is having some difficulty with finding the right word to say. She told us that sometimes an incomprehensible word will come out and she is like "Why did I say that?" I told her that we would start going to Brain Aneurysm Support groups to learn more and listen to others stories. Click here to learn more about Brain Aneurysm and recovery. The more we know the more we can all help Arianne.
Thank you all for the prayers, I can't help but feel that she is a miracle and I have all of you fierce prayer warriors to thank. We still have a long road but things now seem to be progressing in the right direction fairly quickly.
Many blessings,

1 comment:

  1. That is the best news ever! So glad all the prayers along with all of you guys helping and her amazing will and strength! Happy tears of joy! Thank you so much Amy for all the updates, seeing them and not being able to see Ari helped so much!
