
"Healing Hands for Arianne" has been set up by friends and family of Arianne Jones, a young woman who suffered a ruptured aneurysm which resulted in subarachnoid hemorrhage on the evening of May 19, 2013. As we support Ari on her long road of recovery, updates will be posted here to share with those interested in helping. Whether you choose to pray for her, offer monetary support, or simply spread the word... we appreciate that you've stopped by. To donate to her benefit fund, please click the link below her picture on the right.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

And the Roller Coaster Continues....

I am not as talented at this as Kasey but I am finding it therapeutic and now know why people blog..  In the last week Arianne has had a permanent VP Shunt placed because her body was not reabsorbing the cerebrospinal fluid which can cause pressure on the brain. Her neurosurgeon gave us good news and said that she "should" make a full recovery in 4-5 months.. So I am remaining cautiously optimistic. She is off isolation, her pneumonia is improving and although she is still on the ventilator, she is starting to breathe over it more. She is moving both arms and both legs but her grip is definitely weaker on the right. Her mother and I asked that the remainder of her hair be shaved since she will most likely be in the bed for a few more months. So she is officially Rocking the Sinead O'Connor look! Although I think that it makes her pretty eyelashes stand out even more. She was really alert Thursday and Friday and it was very encouraging to us all. Then today, not so alert because her shunt is not functioning properly. So she is going to surgery in the morning to have it repaired.  This entire journey feels like one step forward and two steps back. Another nurse today commented that Arianne had had a "rough" course.

On a more positive note, I worked at VBS this week and the theme was
"Stand Strong!!" How appropriate, we learned that God's love, Friends and Family, Prayer, Trust and the Bible all help us Stand Strong. So I am working to remember this daily...

On another positive note, there is a benefit planned for Arianne if you haven't heard yet! I will post the flyer here when I get it. It is going to be amazing! Her friends are putting together a great time, that will be a great help to Arianne. Along those same lines, I am so grateful and in awe of the generosity that has been poured out for Arianne. Thank you so very much everyone for your monetary donations, your words of encouragement for her and for us and your prayers.  When I see her, I always tell her about how much she is loved and how many prayers are being said for her.

Warmest Regards,


  1. Thank you for keeping us updated! I know you have a heavy load! God is at work!

    Psalm 103:2-4 ESV
    Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy,

    Isaiah 40:31 ESV
    But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

    Much love and many prayers are coming your way!


  2. Faith is our strength and i'm praying that all of us continue to have Faith in the great Physician our Lord...i am storming the heavens in prayer for all of you! Thank you for keeping us posted...

  3. Thank you for the update. So nice to hear something positive for her for a change. Keep up the good work Arianne!
